Aphrodizzia Read online

Page 8

  As Elke watched, she could see the slight ominous movement of the blubbery mass, the extension of the tentacles from the main body. The first pad fastened on one cheek of Algernon's young bottom and jabbed the ferocious poison of its sting into him. He yelled wildly into his gag, dancing and kicking vainly with the torment. Another tentacle slid round and stung the flank of his buttocks, another the back of his thighs, while the fourth slid between his spread buttocks and another under his legs. Elke took him by the balls again, holding him still for his ordeal. It was intriguing to see that each time the searing pain of the sting jabbed his arse-cheeks, Master Algernon's young prick stiffened with a convulsive jerk. After some while, Elke seemed to grow bored with this. Through the wet cotton it was plain to see that Master Algernon's soft pale bum-cheeks were scarlet from the stings and untouchably sore. Elke drew his pants down and allowed the jelly-fish to fall on to the wood again. Algernon stared back at her, the blue eyes still bulging with apprehension above the gag and the cherub curls in disorder. Elke picked up a length of the thin mooring-cord. She pointed at Algernon's unfortunate prick which stood out forlornly stiff as his pants hung round his knees. “Dirty wretch!” she said severely, “Now you have the whip!” When one considers that Algernon's scarlet buttocks were smarting atrociously and had been swollen fatter by the stings, the prospect of the whip was bound to cause panic. He twisted, yelled into his gag, danced and kicked his legs about in a manner which would have made any ballet-master proud of him. Elke took the wet cord to thrash him once-twice- thrice-across the agony of his tender buttocks.

  The schoolboy tripped and yelled, kicked and farted, in a most extraordinary exhibition for one of England's ruling-class. Indeed, if any part of his anatomy remained stiff, it was certainly not his upper lip. Unfortunately for the boy, Elke had all the cruelty of a girl of sixteen who has yet to learn the limits of punishment. She thrashed his backside without remorse-on-and on- and on. They passed fifty strokes-and even a hundred. Weals appeared easily on the sting-swollen bum-cheeks and roseate droplets flowed. After a long time, while only the call of gulls and the measured lash of the whip disturbed the warm stillness of the beach, Elke laid down the cord. She chose a round pebble, the size of a plum. Moistening it well with cream from her reticule, she pressed it firmly between Algernon's buttocks until it vanished up the lad's arse. Algy's mouth and eyes went very round all at once, with surprise, consternation, and-who can tell?-perhaps just a dash of excitement. Elke bowed the cropped bell-shape of her brown hair, watching closely as she took the fledgling prick in one hand, laying it on her palm, and tickled Algernon's arsehole with the other forefinger. Despite his state, he was excited enough to jig his hips, moving his anus on the finger-tip and trying to rub his prick on the girl's palm. Elke gave the young penis a few tugs and squeezes, as if mocking it rather than encouraging it to perform. Yet even this was sufficient for Algernon's body to go suddenly tense and for the vent of his tool to spout a pool of sperm into Elke Mahne's palm. She studied it carefully, then left his member to dangle while she went to wash her hand in the tide. On returning she looked at poor Algy with distaste as he bent there with bathing drawers round his knees, his penis limp and his buttocks scalded. She pulled up the boy's pants and lifted the drowsy jelly-fish on the board. “Now you get some more of this,” she said disdainfully. While Master Algernon danced and sang into his gag, she again opened the back of his waistband and tipped the loathsome blubber into the seat of his pants. Stooping down she looked at the wildness in his eyes through the hole in the groin as he was stung anew for the first time. “I leave you for two hours,” she said quietly, “Then I tell your master where you are and what a dirty wretch you have been with your dicky hanging out. He will have you fetched and birched, I think,” Algy did not only think so-he knew it! The prospect of two hours torment from the savage stings, followed by a birching on his tortured buttocks quite unmanned him. In a last attempt to win a reprieve while Elke was within earshot, he danced and capered from the waist down, howled into his gag, kicked about and cursed lustily with sheer panic.

  Elke Mahne turned away and went to find the two German boys with whom she was going to have a good time. They went later to lie by the bathing huts, under the eyes of respectable middle-class families and their children. Yet had you seen them in their tipsy state, Dolly, what would you have thought? Sixteen-year-old Elke was shouting and falling about as if drunk. It seems that the boys, in order to make her more pliable, had taken her somewhere and fed her on the powder of aspirin spiced with just the tiniest pinch of a drug. I have the details from the venerable Dr. Thwackum himself, who was walking back along the promenade and saw the entire spectacle of Elke and her two young ruffians on the shingle. (Ever since I told him of the conduct of Katharine and Claudia, the reverend headmaster has carried his own Kodak with him in case he should be able to take snapshots of other culprits in flagrante delictu.) Elke began to shout abuse, screaming “Salaud!” and other pleasantries at each boy as he lay with his arms about her. Then she would go limp and submit to his fondling.

  Sometimes she would writhe against the boy eagerly and sometimes scream if one of them touched her. Indeed they were obliged to put their hands over her mouth. When a kindly man inquired if she was ill, Elke shouted that she was ill with heart-ache because no boys loved her! Insolent and hysterical, she shouted that she was Elke Mahne who had been to school in Vienna. Her cheeks were flushed, though sometimes she bowed the bell-shape of brown hair and covered her pert high-boned face with her hands. It was evident that after her amusement with Master Algernon, she had taken the aspirin and a dash of something else to lift her spirits high. She lay inert on her side, facing the boy who had his arms about her. The promenaders gazed at the tight and softly filled seat of her faded jeans which she turned to them. At sixteen years old, Elke Mahne's bottom-cheeks had a slight fatness and width to them which was as yet seductive, though it would be excessive in a few years more. When the boy who was lying with her slid his hands into her jeans, Elke's feet twined together with excitement. She drew her knees up a little. Dr. Thwack-urn's photographs show the soft ripe cheeks of Elke Mahne's arse in the faded denim, squirming and tensing together as the boy masturbated her gently. High on the soaring excitement, Elke screamed and submitted alternately. She gave not a thought to the wretched Master Algernon, stuck through the hole in the wooden groin, the jelly-fish in his pants and the pinions holding him. Dr. Thwackum would gladly have stayed to attend to the girl himself. As luck would have it, however, he was due at a meeting of the college governors in half an hour. Yet he had promised himself that he would print the photographs as soon as possible and send copies to me. You believe yourself to be a moralist, Dolly? Then how much you would have in common with Jonathan Bonaventure Thwackum, D.D. Scholar of Magdalen College, his career at Oxford ended when he narrowly missed a Fellowship of All Souls. Rural Dean, Archdeacon, Canon of Long Sarum, he chose the life of a headmaster before that of a bishop. His aim with the birch has all the exactitude and precision of his textual scholarship. He is, of course, a man underneath all that. You recall Sian, my sluttish Welsh housemaid with the red tresses? I am not unaware that she visits his bachelor apartments on certain evenings and returns next day richer by a few sovereigns.

  However, let us not sneer at his weaknesses for he is a resolute disciplinarian. On hearing of the fate of Katharine and Claudia, he begged me to avail myself of his skill with a birch if any of the girls require it. I had resolved to let him birch nineteen-year-old Sian. For the rest, I would keep them to myself. By the time that Elke recovered herself, the boys had left her and she was lying on the beach alone. It was past five o'clock and in an hour more she must be back on these premises or incur the penalty of absence. Though still dressed, she was wet between the legs and moist at the rear, for the boys had made a farewell gesture of masturbating her and popping several well oiled peanuts up Elke Mahne's arsehole. As she began to walk back, clearing the muzziness of her head, she
evidently saw that the luckless Master Algernon was still fastened bending through the hole in the groin. Little as she cared for the appalling torment he must have suffered, Elke walked towards the scene, no doubt remembering her promise to send a message to Dr. Thwackum and ensure the lad was birched. She walked within fifty yards of the poor victim without noticing anything amiss. Then a frown appeared on her pretty high-boned face. The legs protruding from the bathing-drawers were mere sticks of wood! Before she could turn round, four strong middle-school bullies who had chanced to find poor Algernon and rescue him, seized the Austrian girl firmly. Algy himself stepped out from concealment. “That's her,” he said savagely. How the tables were now turned! While Elke screamed and cursed, they bundled her to the hole in the groin and forced her head and shoulders through it.

  Now it was she who bent helpless and strapped down, with all the appearance of a dirty little girl who was trying to glimpse the boys bathing. The masters on the school side of the groin would see the collar-length crop of her brown hair, the fringe, the sullen heart-shaped face and hazel eyes. To the world, there was a prospect of her adolescent thighs and the full soft cheeks of Elke Mahne's backside alluring, broadened and spread in her tight jeans.

  Master Algernon was in such a state that he had not been able to get his trousers on again. Instead he wore a towel round his waist, from which his prick now protruded with renewed vigour. “You little whore, Elke!” he said, almost smiling in his anguish, “First we shall have our fun with you. After that, you can prepare yourself for a hard time.” Elke, of course, cursed and struggled vainly, then pleaded with them not to make her late for her return to the villa.

  They filled her mouth with the same convenient gag of panties which she had used on poor Algernon. Algernon himself was allowed the honour of undoing Elke's jeans and stripping her from the hem of the black woollen singlet at her waist down to her heels. He paused to admire the slight fleshiness of her pale young thighs with the cunt-slit peeping between, and the ripe swelling cheeks of Elke's bottom.

  Retribution began at once, for the boys intended to keep Elke busy all evening. Algernon touched up the Austrian girl's cunt a little with his fingers and found it soon yielded lubrication, though Elke herself shrieked abuse into her gag. Aiming from behind her, Algy guided his hard young prick between her legs and threaded it right up her vagina. The pain of his ordeal that afternoon was now a strange stimulus in its aftermath. Elke tried hard to disengage herself from the impaling prick by jerking and squirming her hips but the only result of this was to make the ride still more enjoyable for the curly headed cherub who ravished her. Indeed, it was evident as the rogering continued that Elke was getting more than a little overheated with the excitement of it. Then, as always, the sperm boiled dangerously in Algernon's loins and he withdrew. Yet now he avenged that other part of himself by carefully vaselining Elke Mahne's arsehole. Despite the hysterical yells which the gag muffled, Elke had to have the prick and the spouting sperm up her tight young arse, for none of the boys wished to be the cause of a paternity summons. To bugger a slightly fat-bottomed sixteen-year-old Austrian girl like Elke Mahne was by no means a disagreeable exercise for Algernon's prick. Our hero made it last ten or fifteen minutes before he gasped out. “It's coming now, Elke! Bend tighter! The further into you the sperm goes the more we'll both enjoy it! Ah, what a fat little bottom, Elke! Here it comes! That's good! Oh, that's marvellous! What a perfect little whore you'll make, Elke!” So it continued-four times over. Each boy spent in Elke's backside and then turned to the problem of retribution-giving her a hard time, as they called it. They had purloined from somewhere a pair of loose-fitting female drawers, elastic-tight at waist and mid-thigh, made of almost transparent pale blue silk. They pulled these up over Elke's thighs and hips. Into the seat of these a fresh and hungry jelly-fish was tipped. “Half an hour's excitement for you, Elke,” said Algernon whimsically. They had strapped her ankles together to prevent excessive “dancing,” for fear it might harm the innocent jelly-fish. Yet the softly full cheeks of Elke's bottom surged and writhed to match her muffled howls. The tentacles got easily between her legs and plagued her young cunt until she almost swooned. Bright scarlet rondels began springing to life on her adolescent buttocks until their anguish merged into a single glow of swollen rear cheeks. Red blemishes rose on the backs of her thighs.

  Then an urgent tensing showed where the tentacles had found their way between the cheeks of Elke's bottom and were wreaking havoc there.

  Before the half-hour was over, the sixteen-year-old culprit was frantic in her plight. Elke Mahne farted as lustily as a full-bottomed Austrian girl of her kind can do. She squirmed and contorted, arched and writhed. At last they stripped down the pants and removed the obliging jelly-fish from the behind of which it was so enamoured.

  Algernon stooped over the girl. “Still think it was such fun, Elke? After we've whipped you, you'll have the jelly-fish tickling you again for a whole hour, so that you really get the chance to enjoy it!” Had such a thing happened, who can say what the outcome would have been? But events were now about to take an unexpected turn.

  Elke was in a perfect condition for being whipped. When Algernon touched a hand lightly to the girl's buttocks, even that made her gasp and flinch away-so sorely had the stings made her smart. They agreed that each boy should give her three dozen strokes across her backside with the improvised whips of mooring-cord. However, at the mention of this, Elke began to twist her hips so wildly that it would have been hard to land the whips in the right place. The ingenuity of retribution had seized Algernon. He had decided to make Elke wear a “persuader” between the cheeks of her arse while she was whipped. This was a simple device. It consisted of a narrow strap which ran from the front of her belt at the navel, down her belly, under her legs, up between her buttocks to fasten at the back of the belt. Where it was drawn tightly up between her hind cheeks, a row of needle-sharp points protruded to either side. He explained carefully to Elke that so long as she bent right over for the whip- her arse-cheeks stretched wide-and so long as she kept quite still, the needle-tips would dent the skin down either surface of her bottom-cleft but would not pierce it. If she attempted to writhe or tense or straighten up, she would martyr herself on the fine steel points. You may well believe, Dolly, that this news did not much reassure Fraulein Elke! How could she not squirm under the lash? However, the strap was drawn tightly into place and her spread arse-cheeks were helplessly presented to her four youthful chastisers. At the thought of giving thirty-six whip-strokes across the ripe adolescent cheeks of Elke Mahne's backside each young penis was beginning to stiffen up again. Indeed, the knowledge that she would get almost a hundred and fifty strokes by simple arithmetic seemed only to add to the hectic excitement.

  Fear not, Dolly! She was to be saved before that happened.

  Algernon himself gave her thirty-six with the improvised whip, thrashing Elke's fat young buttocks with more force than expertise.

  However, he produced some impressive weals and drove her frantic as she screamed into her gag. Twice she failed to control herself and clenched her bottom-cheeks on the wicked needle-tips of the persuader!

  But before they could continue with the discipline, one of the lads shouted “Cave!” the traditional schoolboy warning of an approaching master. They took the persuader, pulled up her jeans and fastened them. The jelly-fish was returned to its ocean pool. They had neither time nor inclination to unfasten Elke but left her with the appearance of a girl spying on boys to see them undress for their swimming lesson. With a gag in her mouth, she could hardly deny it!

  The truth was, Dolly, that the meeting of the college governors had ended and that the dignitaries who made up this body had gone off separately to take the evening air. The figure who now approached down the cliff path was Colonel Randy Hart of the Blues. The view which greeted him on the public side of the wooden groin was of Elke's backside and thighs in the tight jeans as she bent through the hole.


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